Here's the script:
Code: Select all
mysql mysql -e "select Host,User from user where Host!='localhost' group by Host;" | awk {'print "tcp:in:d=3306:s=" $1 "\t# " $2'} | sed "s/\%//g" | egrep "[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}" | grep -v "" | sort | uniq
i.e. here's the list of IP's which the code above generated:
Code: Select all
tcp:in:d=3306:s= # aaamaree
tcp:in:d=3306:s= # aaamaree
tcp:in:d=3306:s= # bonzai
tcp:in:d=3306:s= # cwayyorg
tcp:in:d=3306:s= # aaamotor
tcp:in:d=3306:s= # aaamotor
tcp:in:d=3306:s= # cmggssof
tcp:in:d=3306:s= # cpses_zanCCjCP32
tcp:in:d=3306:s= # aaamotor
Code: Select all
csf -L | grep
Code: Select all
csf -a tcp:in:d=3306:s= # aaamaree
Adding tcp:in:d=3306:s= to csf.allow and iptables ACCEPT...
ACCEPT tcp opt -- in !lo out * -> tcp dpt:3306
root@mercury:[~]$ csf -L | grep
1 0 0 ACCEPT tcp -- !lo * tcp dpt:3306
This used to work some time ago, though not anymore.
Code: Select all
root@mercury:[~]$ csf -v
csf: v9.24 (cPanel)
root@mercury:[~]$ uname -a
Linux mercury.x.x 2.6.32-673.8.1.lve1.4.3.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Feb 10 08:57:30 EST 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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