Scan list of files... how?

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Scan list of files... how?

Post by danbv »

How can I tell cxs to scan a list of files? It seems to accept only a single resource (file name or directory) on the command line.

I've tried entering more than one on the command line, but cxs only scans the first resource specified.

I've tried using the --xtra option on a file with a few "file:/full/path/to/file" entries, but cxs seems to ignore them completely and only scan the single file I supply on the command line. It's not feasible for me to run cxs for every single file listed.

I hope I'm doing something very wrong, because I can't believe cxs would be missing such basic functionality. :confused:
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Re: Scan list of files... how?

Post by Sarah »

It's not really clear what you are trying to get cxs to do. Your best bet would be to submit a ticket on the helpdesk and provide more details so we can help.

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Re: Scan list of files... how?

Post by danbv »

Thanks for your reply, Sarah. I'm sorry, what's not clear? :confused: I want cxs to scan more than one specific file in a single execution. For example, let's say I want to scan three files:


If I specify all three files on the command line:
cxs index.php whatever.php somefile.suspicious

cxs only scans the first file and ignores the rest, which is understandable, it says so in the syntax: "cxs [OPTION]... RESOURCE" <-- (single resource)

Ok, so if I create a file called list_of_files with the following content:


... and use the "--xtra list_of_files" option (cxs' help says "--xtra [file] points to a file containing a list of regular expression matches and filenames that cxs will additionally scan for"), cxs won't run unless I specify at least one resource (ignoring the obvious list of files mentioned in --xtra), and when I do specify a resource, it only scans that resource, ignoring the list of files altogether. Does --xtra even work? Am I using it right?

I'll gladly submit a ticket if we can be sure there's absolutely no way to scan multiple specific files in a single run. I wouldn't want to bother the dev team otherwise.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2006, 22:49

Re: Scan list of files... how?

Post by Sarah »

Please submit a ticket on the helpdesk so we can help you with using cxs. As cxs is a paid-for product, we provide support for it via the helpdesk. Thanks.

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