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Blocking by using cc_deny_ports

Posted: 19 Aug 2021, 17:24
by winter4
Hello there!

I'm newer here, but I have used CSF for a while, and recently we are having problems with spam.

I get the "authrelay" notification from other countries and when I change the passwords of the compromised account the problem stops, but I would like to stop this definitely, so I tried to fix it by using this configuration:

cc_deny_ports = RU,CN,KR
cc_deny_ports_tcp = 587,25,465
cc_deny_ports_udp = 1:65535

I thought that blocking those ports the server will only block the SMTP outgoing connections, but some clients told me that they can't receive emails from Korea, so when I delete the CC country from cc_deny_ports, they are able to receive again.

Is there a way to block those ports only for outgoing emails?

Thanks in advance! (and sorry for my english)