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MESSENGERV3 will not work on Debian/Ubuntu

Posted: 10 Jul 2021, 17:58
by kingZoom2X
i have problem with *MESSENGERV3* Error: The home directory for csf does not exist [/home/csf]
I was useradd csf -s /bin/false and then check lfd.log

Jul 10 23:39:32 lfd[711580]: Messenger HTTPS Service starting...
Jul 10 23:39:32 lfd[711580]: Messenger HTML Service starting...
Jul 10 23:39:32 lfd[711589]: *MESSENGERV3* Error: The home directory for csf does not exist [/home/csf]
Jul 10 23:39:32 lfd[711580]: Messenger TEXT Service starting...

Please help me

My config

# MESSENGERV3. This option is available on any server running Apache v2.4+,
# Litespeed or Openlitespeed
# This uses the web server http daemon to provide the web server functionality
# for the MESSENGER HTML and HTTPS services. It uses a fraction of the
# resources that the lfd inbuilt service uses and overcomes the memory overhead
# of using the MESSENGER HTTPS service
# For more information consult readme.txt before enabling this option

# This is the file or directory where the additional web server configuration
# file should be included
MESSENGERV3LOCATION = "/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/*.conf"

# This is the command to restart the web server
MESSENGERV3RESTART = "systemctl restart apache2"

# This is the command to test the validity of the web server configuration. If
# using Litespeed, set to ""
MESSENGERV3TEST = "/usr/sbin/apachectl -t"

# This must be set to the main httpd.conf file for either Apache or Litespeed
MESSENGERV3HTTPS_CONF = "/etc/apache2/apache2.conf"

# This can be set to either:
# "apache" - for servers running Apache v2.4+ or Litespeed using Apache
# configuration
# "litespeed" - for Litespeed or Openlitespeed

# On creation, set the MESSENGER_USER public_html directory permissions to
# Note: If you precreate this directory the following setting will be ignored

# On creation, set the MESSENGER_USER public_html directory group user to
# Note: If you precreate this directory the following setting will be ignored

# This is the web server configuration to allow PHP scripts to run. If left
# empty, the MESSENGER service will try to configure this. If this does not
# work, this should be set as an "Include /path/to/csf_php.conf" or similar
# file which must contain appropriate web server configuration to allow PHP
# scripts to run. This line will be included within each MESSENGER VirtualHost
# container. This will replace the [MESSENGERV3PHPHANDLER] line from the csf
# webserver template files