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csf.deny comma separated ports?

Posted: 17 Jul 2017, 02:03
by logout
Can I include command separated port numbers in the csf.deny file?

For example I have the following:

tcp|in|d=80|s= scannerbots googlemapsexploit QUASINETWORKS SEYCHELLES - do not delete - Tue Apr 11 14:49:02 2017

And I want to block port 443 too

tcp|in|d=80,443|s= scannerbots googlemapsexploit QUASINETWORKS SEYCHELLES - do not delete - Tue Apr 11 14:49:02 2017

Is that acceptable?

The documentation says you can use an underscore for a port range, but doesn't mention commas for a list of ports.

Thank you

Re: csf.deny comma separated ports?

Posted: 07 Sep 2017, 11:25
by logout
I've determined this isn't possible, so I've put it as a feature request here:


Hopefully it can be implemented.