Add option to download a ZIP file with all the emails in an account.

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Add option to download a ZIP file with all the emails in an account.

Post by Sergio »

I have been using CMM for a long time and I will like to have two options in there that could help us a lot:
1. Download a zip file with all the emails that a user has in all his/her folders.
2. Upload a zip file with all the emails that a user has to his/her folder.

The meaning of this is:
1. We can do a backup of the emails that the user has.
2. Then we can use the backup file to recreate that emails in case the email account needs to be recreated.

I know this could be done manually, but have a button that does this for us will be great.

Suppose a customer has two separate cPanel accounts and he wants to join the accounts in one cPanel.
In order to do that, one of the accounts will be deleted and all the info with it will be gone, with the exception that the web site if it is done in WordPress or similar could be cloned, but the emails not.

Using the email backups will speed the process.

Hope you can take a look a this and that could be implemented.


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