Block specific port even to global allow IP?

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Block specific port even to global allow IP?

Post by amityweb »

I am failing PCI because my database port is open. Thing is its not, its blocked by CSF. But in order for the PCI scans to run OK and do their checks I have to add them to the IP allow list. So THEY can see the port open, even though no one else can, and fail us!

So therefore I would like to know if its possible to keep them (and other IPs) in the allow list, but still block the database port (and any other port I think I may want to block even to the allow list).

We are also using the GLOBAL_ALLOW to retrieve these IP addresses from a remote file, because we have many servers to add allow IPs for.

Thanks a lot
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Re: Block specific port even to global allow IP?

Post by Sergio »

If you only want to block port 3306 for them, you can allow a range of ports, I mean allow them from 0,3305 and 3307,65535 or you can adjust the ranges to your liking.


If multiple ranges don't work then you can try:

where x.x.x.x is the PCI IP.

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