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Invalid Date/Time in Emails

Posted: 01 Jul 2012, 15:14
by D4H
Currently LFD is replacing the [time] in messages with "sending time" of the message rather than the time in the log.

I've got an alert 1 hour late (I don't know why), and I couldn't match the time in the message with the time in the log as both were different.

"processcpanelline" should return the log time & it should be replaced in the "cpanelalert" function rather then being replaced in "sendmail" function.

Hopes you get this fixed soon.

Re: Invalid Date/Time in Emails

Posted: 12 Aug 2012, 09:28
by chirpy
This isn't something we are intending to change. The log lines that lfd quotes contain the time of the event from the logs, the time in the message is the time it was detected by lfd.