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Add Some Style to the UI

Posted: 22 Feb 2009, 15:43
by Infopro
Oh wait, you just did. ;)

And my eyes want to thank you from the back of their sockets. Much nicer to look at now and easy to read with the alt colors.

Just wanted to say, thanks Chirpy!

Posted: 13 Apr 2009, 23:24
by Infopro
I know this may be a bit much to ask, Chirpy, but would it be possible for you to colorize the quick allow and quick deny tables, green and red respectively? Or even just that red border already on CSF main page, wrapped around the Quick Deny table so it stands out a bit more.

Either way, thanks, as always for CSF.

Posted: 15 Apr 2009, 10:16
by chirpy
Done in the latest release.

Posted: 16 Apr 2009, 12:38
by Infopro
Works for me. Thank you Sir. :)

Re: Add Some Style to the UI

Posted: 15 Jan 2014, 15:06
by Infopro
Since I opened this one, I can bring it back from the dead too, right? ;)

One of the silly annoying things for me across all ConfigServer products, and I use and love 'em all the same, is the lack of the WHM breadcrumb menu across the top. I'm very much used to being on any page in WHM and want to go back to Home, but can't on these.

Could you please force the breadcrumb menu on top?

Thanks! :)

Re: Add Some Style to the UI

Posted: 15 Jan 2014, 16:36
by ForumAdmin
Unfortunately, if you utilise the inbuilt breadcrumb system you get lumbered with a myriad of css frameworks that screw with your own styling in WHM and makes the process of maintaining a consistent UI over different platforms impossible, so we had to do away with the cPanel/WHM header approach.

I do share the frustration, though, but have learnt to click on the nice big WHM/Accelerated image at the top-left which always takes you back to the WHM home and no longer miss the breadcrumbs :)

Re: Add Some Style to the UI

Posted: 15 Jan 2014, 20:57
by Infopro
Ah, makes sense. I like your style, disregard. :P

Re: Add Some Style to the UI

Posted: 18 Feb 2014, 10:21
by ForumAdmin
We added breadcrumbs into the new csf v6.44 and will add it to the other scripts in due course. This is a temporary measure until cPanel hopefully provide their own solution.