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Not updating when behind a proxy (and possible solution)

Posted: 16 Apr 2018, 23:55
by RichardO

Problem: Unable to get updates automatically using csf -u, although manually downloading and reinstalling works. Both mode 1 and mode 2 updates fail. LWP and Tiny are installed, and all other software (wget, cpan, apt) use the proxy successfully.

The csf code is not reading or using the environment set proxy information. Calls to get the updated package occur in - funtion urlgetLWP (also urlgetTINY).

Adding the statement $ua->env_proxy(); after my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; ( line 141) solves this for mode 2 updates (HTTPS). As I'm not a PERL programmer I'm not sure if this has other implications.

Could this be added to CSF (or a similar ability) so that it will automatically update when behind a firewall/proxy, or is there an existing method to make this work successfully?

Many thanks

Re: Not updating when behind a proxy (and possible solution)

Posted: 23 May 2018, 01:56
by RichardO
Still needs this fix in 12.03, and then to use the fix from Webmin as well set the appropriate environment variables in the Webmin server configuration.