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Add country code to blocked IP in CMC log

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 21:33
by Sergio
Hi Jonathan / Sarah,
what file may I have to tweak in order to have the country code with IP on the CMC log?

It will be great to have the IP and 2 letter country code, so, in a glance we can see what country that IP belongs to.

If it is not possible to add it to the script, may I can have the command to add it myself?

Thanks a lot in advance.



Re: Add country code to blocked IP in CMC log

Posted: 19 Aug 2014, 22:03
by ForumAdmin
There is no cmc log as such - cmc simply uses the Apache ModSecurity output log and presents that in html format. There is no functionality in cmc to do CC lookups and considering the work required for what is a small part of what cmc is for (primarily a way to add ModSecurity exceptions), it's not something we are looking to implement.

Re: Add country code to blocked IP in CMC log

Posted: 20 Aug 2014, 18:23
by Sergio
Thanks for replying.

