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by nNhJoQF
05 May 2017, 06:28
Forum: Report Bugs (cmc)
Topic: Configserver Modsec Control disable rule failure
Replies: 1
Views: 56266

Configserver Modsec Control disable rule failure

I have come across a significant number of forum posts where users stated that Configserver Modsec Control disable rule sometimes fails. While trying to reproduce the issue I think I have stumbled onto the main cause of these problems. I could reproduce the issue if I double click selected a rule ID...
by nNhJoQF
15 Oct 2013, 07:23
Forum: General Discussion (cxs)
Topic: CXS and W3-Total-Cache
Replies: 1
Views: 4645

Re: CXS and W3-Total-Cache

A [PHP Agent] is often included in a web script exploit. If you were to find a php agent in a file that has no right to have one then you should be concerned. New relic is a Application performance monitoring and management platform. If you have an account with them and you enable its use within W3T...