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Add support for -port -direction to: -a, --add ip & -cta, --add ip

Posted: 03 Oct 2019, 04:55
by whattheserver
Currently, it is a pain to add custom port allow rules as they have to be crafted by hand.

I just noticed that the -ta, --tempallow option has this functionality. but the main -a add ip does not.

-ta, --tempallow ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment]
Add an IP to the temp IP allow list (default:inout)

root@ols:~# csf -a -p 1812 Allow Radius
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
ACCEPT tcp opt -- in !lo out * -> tcp dpt:1812
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
ACCEPT tcp opt -- in * out !lo -> tcp dpt:1812
csf: allowed on port 1812 for 3600 seconds in and outbound

root@ols:/etc/csf# csf -t

A/D IP address Port Dir Time To Live Comment
ALLOW 1812 inout 46m 8s Allow Radius

Whereas the -a does not support this and add just general allow.

root@ols:/etc/csf# csf -a -p 1812 Allow Radius
Adding to csf.allow and iptables ACCEPT...
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
ACCEPT all opt -- in !lo out * ->
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
ACCEPT all opt -- in * out !lo ->

So to add permanent rules still requires a lot more confusing advanced rules to configure and add manually to the csf.allow file.
echo 'tcp|in,out|d=1812|d=' >> /etc/csf/csf.allow && csf -r;

Seems like the code already exists and could be added to the other -a and cluster -ca options so permanent rules can be easily added via the CLI without a restart of CSF and manual file editing.

It would be nice to be able to make custom rules via the CLI with same capabilities as the manual rule editing.


Code: Select all

# start doadd
sub doadd {
	my ($ip,$comment) = split (/\s/,$input{argument},2);
	my $checkip = checkip(\$ip);


	if ($ips{$ip} or $ipscidr->find($ip) or $ipscidr6->find($ip)) {
		print "add failed: $ip is one of this servers addresses!\n";

	if ($checkip == 6 and !$config{IPV6}) {
		print "add failed: [$ip] is valid IPv6 but IPV6 is not enabled in csf.conf\n";

	if (!$checkip and !(($ip =~ /:|\|/) and ($ip =~ /=/))) {
		print "add failed: [$ip] is not a valid IP/CIDR\n";

	my $hit;
	my @deny = slurp("/etc/csf/csf.deny");
	foreach my $line (@deny) {
        $line =~ s/$cleanreg//g;
		if ($line eq "") {next}
		if ($line =~ /^\s*\#|Include/) {next}
		my ($ipd,$commentd) = split (/\s/,$line,2);
		if ($ipd eq $ip) {
			$hit = 1;
	if ($hit) {
		print "Removing $ip from csf.deny...\n";
		$input{argument} = $ip;

	my $allowmatches;
	my @allow = slurp("/etc/csf/csf.allow");
	foreach my $line (@allow) {
		if ($line =~ /^Include\s*(.*)$/) {
			my @incfile = slurp($1);
			push @allow,@incfile;
	foreach my $line (@allow) {
        $line =~ s/$cleanreg//g;
		if ($line eq "") {next}
		if ($line =~ /^\s*\#|Include/) {next}
		my ($ipd,$commentd) = split (/\s/,$line,2);
		if ($ipd eq $ip) {
			$allowmatches = 1;

	my $ipstring = quotemeta($ip);
	sysopen (my $ALLOW, "/etc/csf/csf.allow", O_RDWR | O_CREAT) or &error(__LINE__,"Could not open /etc/csf/csf.allow: $!");
	flock ($ALLOW, LOCK_EX) or &error(__LINE__,"Could not lock /etc/csf/csf.allow: $!");
	my $text = join("", <$ALLOW>);
	@allow = split(/$slurpreg/,$text);
	chomp @allow;
	unless ($allowmatches) {
		if ($comment eq "") {$comment = "Manually allowed: ".iplookup($ip)}
		print $ALLOW "$ip \# $comment - ".localtime(time)."\n";
		if ($config{TESTING}) {
			print "Adding $ip to csf.allow only while in TESTING mode (not iptables ACCEPT)\n";
		} else {
			print "Adding $ip to csf.allow and iptables ACCEPT...\n";
			&linefilter($ip, "allow");
	} else {
		print "add failed: $ip is in already in the allow file /etc/csf/csf.allow\n";
	close ($ALLOW) or &error(__LINE__,"Could not close /etc/csf/csf.allow: $!");
# end doadd
vs tempallow

Code: Select all

# start dotempallow
sub dotempallow {
	my $cftemp = shift;
	my ($ip,$timeout,$portdir) = split(/\s/,$input{argument},3);
	my $inout = "inout";
	my $port = "";
	if ($timeout =~ /^(\d*)(m|h|d)/i) {
		my $secs = $1;
		my $dur = $2;
		if ($dur eq "m") {$timeout = $secs * 60}
		elsif ($dur eq "h") {$timeout = $secs * 60 * 60}
		elsif ($dur eq "d") {$timeout = $secs * 60 * 60 * 24}
		else {$timeout = $secs}

	my $iptype = checkip(\$ip);
	if ($iptype == 6 and !$config{IPV6}) {
		print "failed: [$ip] is valid IPv6 but IPV6 is not enabled in csf.conf\n";

	unless ($iptype) {
		print "csf: [$ip] is not a valid IP\n";
	if ($timeout =~ /\D/) {
		$portdir = join(" ",$timeout,$portdir);
		$timeout = 0;

	if ($portdir =~ /\-d\s*in/i) {$inout = "in"}
	if ($portdir =~ /\-d\s*out/i) {$inout = "out"}
	if ($portdir =~ /\-d\s*inout/i) {$inout = "inout"}
	if ($portdir =~ /\-p\s*([\w\,\*\;]+)/) {$port = $1}
	my $comment = $portdir;
	$comment =~ s/\-d\s*out//ig;
	$comment =~ s/\-d\s*inout//ig;
	$comment =~ s/\-d\s*in//ig;
	$comment =~ s/\-p\s*[\w\,\*\;]+//ig;
	$comment =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;
	if ($comment eq "") {$comment = "Manually added: ".iplookup($ip)}

	my @allow = slurp("/etc/csf/csf.allow");
	foreach my $line (@allow) {
		if ($line =~ /^Include\s*(.*)$/) {
			my @incfile = slurp($1);
			push @allow,@incfile;
	if (grep {$_ =~ /^$ip\b/} @allow) {
		print "csf: $ip is already permanently allowed\n";
		exit 0;
	open (my $IN, "<", "/var/lib/csf/csf.tempallow");
	flock ($IN, LOCK_SH);
	@allow = <$IN>;
	close ($IN);
	chomp @allow;
	if (grep {$_ =~ /\b$ip\|$port\|\b/} @allow) {
		print "csf: $ip is already temporarily allowed\n";
		exit 0;

	if ($timeout < 2) {$timeout = 3600}
	if ($port =~ /\*/) {$port = ""}


	if ($inout =~ /in/) {
		if ($port) {
			foreach my $dport (split(/\,/,$port)) {
				my ($tport,$proto) = split(/\;/,$dport);
				$dport = $tport;
				if ($proto eq "") {$proto = "tcp"}
				if ($iptype == 6) {
					&syscommand(__LINE__,"$config{IP6TABLES} $config{IPTABLESWAIT} $verbose -I ALLOWIN $eth6devin -p $proto --dport $dport -s $ip -j $accept");
				} else {
					&syscommand(__LINE__,"$config{IPTABLES} $config{IPTABLESWAIT} $verbose -I ALLOWIN $ethdevin -p $proto --dport $dport -s $ip -j $accept");
		} else {
			if ($iptype == 6) {
				&syscommand(__LINE__,"$config{IP6TABLES} $config{IPTABLESWAIT} $verbose -I ALLOWIN $eth6devin -s $ip -j $accept");
			} else {
				&syscommand(__LINE__,"$config{IPTABLES} $config{IPTABLESWAIT} $verbose -I ALLOWIN $ethdevin -s $ip -j $accept");
	if ($inout =~ /out/) {
		if ($port) {
			foreach my $dport (split(/\,/,$port)) {
				my ($tport,$proto) = split(/\;/,$dport);
				$dport = $tport;
				if ($proto eq "") {$proto = "tcp"}
				if ($iptype == 6) {
					&syscommand(__LINE__,"$config{IP6TABLES} $config{IPTABLESWAIT} $verbose -I ALLOWOUT $eth6devout -p $proto --dport $dport -d $ip -j $accept");
				} else {
					&syscommand(__LINE__,"$config{IPTABLES} $config{IPTABLESWAIT} $verbose -I ALLOWOUT $ethdevout -p $proto --dport $dport -d $ip -j $accept");
		} else {
			if ($iptype == 6) {
				&syscommand(__LINE__,"$config{IP6TABLES} $config{IPTABLESWAIT} $verbose -I ALLOWOUT $eth6devout -d $ip -j $accept");
			} else {
				&syscommand(__LINE__,"$config{IPTABLES} $config{IPTABLESWAIT} $verbose -I ALLOWOUT $ethdevout -d $ip -j $accept");

	if ($config{CF_ENABLE} and $cftemp) {$comment .= " (CF_ENABLE)"}

	sysopen (my $OUT, "/var/lib/csf/csf.tempallow", O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT) or &error(__LINE__,"Error: Can't append out file: $!");
	flock ($OUT, LOCK_EX);
	print $OUT time."|$ip|$port|$inout|$timeout|$comment\n";
	close ($OUT);

	if ($port eq "") {$port = "*"}
	if ($inout eq "in") {$inout = "inbound"}
	if ($inout eq "out") {$inout = "outbound"}
	if ($inout eq "inout") {$inout = "in and outbound"}
	print "csf: $ip allowed on port $port for $timeout seconds $inout\n";
# end dotempallow

Re: Add support for -port -direction to: -a, --add ip & -cta, --add ip

Posted: 03 Oct 2019, 05:40
by BallyBasic79
Nice observation!

Re: Add support for -port -direction to: -a, --add ip & -cta, --add ip

Posted: 03 Oct 2019, 21:31
by whattheserver
Thanks. I'm looking into adding better support for custom port management via CSF into Cyberpanel's CSF management page.

This can be done with firewalld
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-rich-rule='" + ruleFamily + " " + sourceAddress + " " + ruleProtocol + " " + rulePort + " " + "accept'"

Having that functionality in CSF -a would make integration a cinch and less error-prone

See the Cyberpanel UI for CSF is lacking a lot of CSF's features: ... cal/

Compared to firewalld: ...

I much prefer CSF over firewalld and looking to learn python more and help.

I have a handy rule generator in PHP for this already.